Manure Recycling Process
Where does the used horse bedding go?
We are proud of the fact that none of the used horse bedding we handle goes to a landfill. In fact, we work closely with invaluable partners to ensure that 100% of the material is recycled and reused in ways that contribute to improving economic sustainability. It has been our passion for nearly a decade to take a product that was once considered a form of waste and turn it into topsoil, an environmentally friendly, recyclable commodity that is now in high demand.

Properly composted horse bedding can be reused as topsoil in multiple ways
A soil amendment to add texture to sandy soils
This sustainable practice reduces the need for irrigation and water drainage from an aquifer when used on crops grown in sandy soils. Since sand drains quickly, it takes large amounts of water to irrigate crops grown in sandy soil. Composted bedding holds ten times its weight in water, allowing the crops to thrive on less rainfall or irrigated water.

To blend custom soil mixes used by commercial nurseries and growers
Composted bedding serves as an excellent carbon source to reduce the amount of nitrate concentration in other nitrogen rich products such as cow manure and poultry litter. This finished material is used for many purposes, including aid in the growth of trees that, through responsible forestry, may eventually become new horse bedding. This creates a sustainable closed loop system. Used horse bedding may be the ultimate renewable resource!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the end product of the used horse bedding picked up by All-In?
The used horse bedding that All-In Removal picks up from your farm, or collects at the Transfer Station is delivered to our composting partners in Florida, who use it as an amendment to their soil mixes due to its high absorbency. The end product of this process is a topsoil that can be utilized for gardening, landscaping, etc.
How does this recycling process impact water run-off?
Florida water management districts enforce water management requirements according to strict Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) standards. Composting facilities are required to follow established DEP guidelines and to apply best management practices to protect groundwater.
Does this recycling process cause a smell?
Properly composted manure does not have a smell. The process of composting breaks down the organic matter, and the remaining product smells like soil.
Will All-In Removal be opening a recycling operation in Levy or Marion County?
All-In Removal is dedicated to providing an environmentally friendly solution for managing used horse bedding and manure. We are actively exploring opportunities within these two counties to further our involvement in composting activities for the purpose of creating topsoil or other high-demand products.